March 23, 2009

Remodeling people’s lives

Category: Community — admin @ 1:05 am

Some of the ReFit team at work

Some of the ReFit team at work

Larry Klobertanz has first hand experience as a witness to the strength of the human spirit.

He met a mom whose daughter was confined to a wheelchair, unable to move.  Mom, watched over her 24-hours a day, preparing special meals that had to be delivered through a feeding tube.

Then, there was the elderly couple who needed walkers to get around their home.

And the colleague who’s son was in a car accident, only to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

But in everyone of these cases, and dozens more, Klobertanz has been able to make a difference.

When his colleague’s son suffered his accident, a team of remodelers banded together in Eugene to redo the young man’s fraternity house (which wasn’t fully accessible).  At no charge, they installed ramps and an elevator.

From that, Refit Portland was born.  A non-profit, volunteer-based organization, ReFit teams remodel the homes of families dealing wtih a disability to make things more functional.

The elderly couple had their bathroom fixtures replaced so they could get in and out of the shower with greater ease.

That mother, watching over her daughter every waking hour, had her kitchen redone so the massive wheelchair could move around more effectively.

The team has done everything from widen a door to redo an entire home, at no cost to the families.  The program is gaining huge momentum and is always looking for volunteers and donors (no, you do not need any experience).  Just click here for more info.

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